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Understanding, then acting 

Understanding reality in an age such as ours is not easy and not everyone is capable of it. Unpredictability caused by change is disorienting. This is why solid analysis of the facts combined with a pinch of creativity can lead to the creation of successful action strategies that create added value. 


Reference Context 

For over fifty years, Consulenti Italiani Business has worked alongside corporate senior management in their process of growth and organisational development, providing support in developing strategic choices capable of creating long-term competitive advantage and improve company performance.

Today more than ever, in an environment characterised by growing uncertainty, unpredictability and a reduction in the life-cycles of products and services, the ability to create innovative strategies capable of reinventing the competitive space in which one operates, or creating completely new competitive spaces—and in this way radically differentiate competitive positioning—is a decisive factor in corporate success.

Understanding which elements of scenario, what information and which signals (even the weakest ones) are relevant to identifying future opportunities, to creating, in time, the corporate competences and resources that will make the difference, requires an ability to focus and having extremely rigorous methods of analysis and access to informed and even highly-diversified sources of interpretation and analysis.


Consulenti Italiani Business adds value in this process thanks to its established tradition of evaluating the impact of future scenarios in terms of today’s reality (thanks to its structured management methods) and its privileged position for observing the economic scene through its extensive network of contacts and top-level sources throughout the world that allow it to identify trends and opportunities in advance, including in sectors that are highly-specialised.


What sets us apart is our total dedication to the interests of our clients and the conviction that the only gauge of the quality of our work are the results they obtain.


Areas of activity 

Our main areas of activity in corporate and business strategy are:


  • Strategic innovation, with special emphasis on identifying potential areas of discontinuity in the future that could create opportunities and radical space for innovation;

  • Strategy/organisation alignment to guarantee effective implementation of strategic choices;

  • Resource planning through support for the management of strategic and operational planning processes;

  • Special financing including identification of new opportunities for creating value through mergers and acquisitions;

  • Stakeholder management whenever implementing a strategy requires alignment between corporate interests and those of the major stakeholders, both inside and outside the company;

  • Internationalisation through creation of growth strategies around the world and operational support in a number of specific areas (Europe, US, China and ASEAN countries);

  • Risk management, especially in terms of evaluating the sustainability of business models and identification of potential “breaking points”.


Key competences, service features, team 

What sets us apart is the extensive experience (both individual and as a firm) we have developed on these questions, the quality of the people involved in our working teams, our in-depth knowledge of how a wide range of sectors and clients operate, and the rigor and confidentiality with which we fulfil our tasks.

In each of the areas it has identified, Consulenti Italiani Business has created its own methods of approach that can be applied in fully-customised ways to meet specific client requirements.

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